
Us armed forces medley violin
Us armed forces medley violin

us armed forces medley violin

Vaccines for dysentery, dengue fever, hepatitis E and HIV are also under development at AFRIMS. New medications currently under development are for the treatment and prevention of multiple drug resistant malaria. Research is predominantly applied research aimed towards finding, developing and testing new drugs and vaccines. These agents pose health risks to soldiers as well as to the civilian population, and thus form the major areas of research at AFRIMS. The major infectious disease threats to soldiers in Southeast Asia include drug resistant malaria, diarrhea and dysentery, dengue fever, HIV, hepatitis, and scrub typhus. USAMC-AFRIMS has nearly 500 staff members (predominantly Thai and US) and a research budget of approximately US$30–35 million annually. AFRIMS is part of a global network of Department of Defense overseas medical research laboratories in Peru, Kenya, Egypt, and the Republics of Georgia and Singapore. AFRIMS is a special foreign activity of the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research (WRAIR) and part of the United States Army Medical Research and Materiel Command (MRMC). First formed as the SEATO Laboratory following the 1956–1958 cholera pandemic, USAMC-AFRIMS is an agency of the US Embassy Thailand residing at the Royal Thai Army Medical Center in Bangkok. The mission of the US Army Medical Component of the Armed Forces Research Institute of the Medical Sciences (USAMC-AFRIMS) is to conduct basic and applied research for development of diagnostic tests, drugs and vaccines for infectious diseases of military importance.

Us armed forces medley violin